I Help People 45+ Lose Weight, Get Fit and Feel More Energized!

- Do you want to get UNSTUCK and MOTIVATED to upgrade your life? get healthier, fitter and have more vitality?
- Are you annoyed and frustrated with your struggle of trying to lose weight?
- Do you wish that you were fitter?
- Would you like to have more energy and joy?
- Would you like to feel more peace and connection with yourself and others?
Are you ready to upgrade all these aspects of your life?
It’s time for you to get unstuck, use a proven science-backed approach to improving your overall wellness, which includes losing weight, getting fitter, becoming more focused and feeling great!

CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE CLARITY SESSION (45 minutes) so I can help you get clarity on your goals and your vision.
I help people live well.
I help people break through their emotional and physical challenges to find their inner strength and power so they can become their most powerful, fittest and authentic selves. I share knowledge and tools so they can reclaim energy and health through a validated, scientific and systematic framework.
There is almost a certainty* that you will reach your fitness goals working with me because I will help you with the following:
- Responsible nutrition plan
- Intentional exercise and meaningful movement
- Quality sleep regimen
- Other actionable advice, including biohacking recommendations and mindset tweaks
- Accountable continuous progress
- A map of the pitfalls to avoid
- An alert to self-sabotage and how to overcome it
The 5 Step Coaching Program Designed to Optimize Your Wellness
(This program is highly customizable and not a strict linear approach.)
- Discover and Clarify
First, I will listen to your needs and challenges with a free Clarity Session (617-513-5219). Together we clarify your goals, vision and direction–what you want your body and your fitness to look like.
We will also identify hidden blockages and limiting beliefs. The first session will reveal where we should begin our focus–is it the physical, nutritional, mental, emotional, environmental or spiritual pillar of wellness? All pillars will be addressed eventually. *Download The 6 Pillars of Wellness to get a visual handout of what you need to focus on for yourself. - Heal, Believe in the Possibility and Become Self-Empowered
I will coach you to learn how to master your mindset and your psychology. I will help you eliminate your limiting beliefs and emotional blockages. This will lead to greater self-empowerment and greater ease in taking action to attain your goals. - Declutter Your Brain and Your Space
I will help you declutter your inner and outer space. And I will teach critical thinking, problem solving and discernment when is comes to wellness so you can take care of yourself optimally for the rest of your life. I will help you optimize your environment and manage your time by suggesting tools, plans, resources and methodologies to achieve your goals. I will also help you avoid any pitfalls. - Upgrade and Up-Level
I will coach you to upgrade your skills and knowledge so that you will have greater success in achieving and maintaining your goals. I will provide you the latest data and research, in easy to understand terms, how to improve your nutrition and your fitness, your exercise program, your sleep hygiene and your overall health. - Take Action and Succeed
I will help you strategize your action plan and I will provide accountability and support so you can execute your plan. I will always be there for you so YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS FASTER!
During the process, we check in to see the progress on your goals, anticipate the resistance, celebrate successes and continue with moving toward results.
I commit 100% to you that I will be with you every step of the way and help you to stay on track.
*This 3-Month Intensive Program is Guaranteed to Bring You Results OR Your Money Back!
The Big Picture of Health and Wellness
There are several dimensions to health and wellness and they are all interconnected. Our modern medical model is based on specialized maladies of the body and the mind that forget that we are a system of interconnected systems and focuses mainly on symptoms that are managed with drugs.
But symptoms are messengers that something is out of balance. And excess weight is a symptom that something is out of balance.
Let’s find out why you are out of balance. Click here for The 6 Pillars of Wellness.
- Physical: How much you move your body has an impact on your overall health and your brain development/activity or possibly its deterioration.
- Nutritional: What you put in your mouth, makes a huge difference. Food can trigger a hormonal response; determine if you burn sugar or fat; possibly trigger food sensitivities causing inflammation in the body. Timing is also important.
- Emotional: The key to emotional wellness is to experience your feelings, to process them in a healthy way and not to repress them.
- Mental: Your thoughts can influence the release of the stress hormone, cortisol, in your body. Long term, high levels of cortisol can not only damage your body but cause fat retention as well.
- Environmental: Is your environment calm, clear and conducive to healing and thriving? or is it cluttered, stressful, full of toxins and contrary to healing? Are you surrounded by positive people?
- Spiritual: Tending to your spiritual life can have a positive impact on your health and help you follow your path toward your goals.
CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE CLARITY SESSION (45 minute session) 617-513-5219